Join us for our March Milwaukee "Chamber on Tap," our evening networking happy hour event, on Thursday, March 7, at Lakefront Brewery, a Chamber member.
We're changing up the Chamber on Taps though for 2019! Each event will start at 5:00 p.m. with a special presentation for about 30 minutes, followed by socializing. Can't make it for the presentation? That's okay! Join us instead for cocktails. Can only be there for the topic? That's just fine too! We are aiming to make these a more educational and rewarding event.
Our first presenters are Hernan and Dalilah with Cruise Planners talking about LGBTQ travel destinations. The program is 5:00 to 5:30, with networking at 5:30. Join us for both or either portions!
This is a great opportunity to come and meet other business owners and professionals that share your values. All are welcome! You won't want to miss this fun evening.